Conditions of Play

  1. A maximum of 4 players per playing group.
  2. All players, including Gold members, MUST report to or phone the Pro Shop before teeing off. (This includes practicing and max. of 2 balls during practice)
  3. Every player MUST carry and USE a sand bucket.
  4. All players MUST fill in ALL divots through the green with sand, repair pitch marks on greens and rake bunkers after use.
  5. Social players cannot play in the midst of a competition field unless the Pro Shop deems it can be done without disruption.
  6. If the siren is sounded indicating severe weather, players must return to the Clubhouse without further play (marking their ball first if playing competition).
  7. Green Staff and Course volunteers have right of way at all times.
  8. Only alcohol purchased at the Club bar may be consumed on the Course.
  9. In competitions, a player must have their card marked by another competitor or someone who has a current GA Handicap.
  10. For group bookings, players must also follow the Group Booking Policy

           Players failing to comply with these rules may be asked to leave the Course.


  1. Distractions: No person should move, talk or stand close to or stand directly behind the hole or ball while a player is making a shot.
  2. Safety: Wait until the group ahead is out of range.
  3. Putting Surface: Carefully repair pitch and spike marks on the putting surface before leaving the green.   Minimise damage to greens by not dragging feet.
  4. Divots: Replace divots where possible.   All divots to be filled with sand.
  5. Bunkers: Before leaving bunkers, a player should carefully rake all disturbances therein and leave the rake in the centre flat part of the bunker, in the line of play.
  6. Flagsticks: Players should ensure that, if dropping the flagstick, no damage is done to the green.   The flagstick must be properly replaced in the hole before players leave the green.
  7. Call Up: When playing social golf be aware of the players behind and call them through if you are holding them up.
  8. Mobile phones: Must be switched to silent while on the golf course.

Pace of Play

Slow play frustrates golfers, spoils their game, and causes operational problems for a busy club. Shoalhaven Heads Golf Club (SHGC) recognises the need to encourage a faster pace of play during competitions. A key aspect to achieving this goal is to communicate these expectations via a Playing Policy (PP). It is expected that the policy will find a balance point between unenjoyable slow play and unpleasant overly rushed play.

The SHGC Match Committee prefers that players acknowledge that the PP is for the good of the vast majority of members and visitors enjoying their competition round and adhere to the policy requirements. It is not the preferred option to discipline players, but those players who disregard the requirements are at risk of penalties and sanctions.

All players are encouraged to familiarise themselves with this policy. Nevertheless, an acceptable pace of play, in any conditions, should be achieved if all players:

  • Turn up on time:
    • Report to the Pro Shop at least 15 minutes prior to tee time
    • Be on your first tee at least 5 minutes prior to tee time.
  • Maintain position in the field – just behind the group in front.
  • Limit time in the clubhouse after 9 holes – don’t wait around for food/drink, order them well beforehand.
  • Play READY GOLF – forget honours!
  • Be mindful of the Target Time (4h 20m).

Dress Code

Clothing:  Neat and clean clothing is to be worn in all areas of the Club.   No offensive prints or logos.   Golf specific apparel is expected for all competition play – no football jerseys.

Footwear:  Golf shoes (no metal spikes), joggers or flat soled shoes to worn whilst playing golf.   Thongs/sandals are not to be worn whilst playing golf.   Bare feet are not acceptable in the Clubhouse or on the Course.


All complaints shall be made in writing to the Club Captain, who if unable to satisfy them, shall submit them to the Board. The Club Captain’s email address is