
Board of Directors

President – John Clawley

Vice President – Rob Russell

Secretary – Jackie Boaden

Treasurer – Sam Stalgis

Club Captain – Phil Lyons

Director – Rob Edgerley

Director – Nic Hall

Director – Jenny Miller

Director – Marilyn Schott

All Board positions are for three years, pursuant to the Triennial Rule as provided for in Schedule 4 of the Registered Clubs Act 1976. In the event that a Board position is vacated during the three year term then the position may be filled for the remainder of the term.

Honorary Life Members

Honorary Life Membership can be granted to any member that is proposed and seconded by Club members, and approved by the Board, for consideration at an AGM. The Club has guidelines for assessing candidature for this honour (Refer Policies)

Our Honorary Life Members are:

  • Ken McKay
  • Jeff Symons
  • Ken Smith
  • Terry Lillie
  • Cec Montgomery
  • Kevin Huckel
  • Paul Davies
  • Gordon Howes
  • Pat Herrick
  • Marilyn Schott
  • Rob Russell

Office Bearers